Skilling??1! With a bank!!!

The banking system is complete and fully functional. Withdrawing and depositing works, and I’m working on implementing a loan system.

We started working on skills sometime yesterday, currently thieving and woodcutting are done, with fishing, mining, smithing and cooking on the way very shortly (with even more skills on the horizon).

For those of you who don’t know, UltiQuest is basically a rewritten and revamped version of this. I am not the FinalRealm developer, and none of his code is directly copied however the way that skills work is very similar (as there is no real other way to do it). I loved the FinalRealm game, however the code is sloppy and unprofessional.
UltiQuest expands upon the original FR game with content like vampires, werewolves, magic, combat skills (attack, defense, ETC) achievements, and tons of other misc stuff while maintaining a very high standard for code formatting to make it easy for our developers, and other developers to change and modify it as they please.

You may also notice a striking similarity with both UQ and FR to a game I’m sure we all know, RuneScape. The foundation of FR was based on RS and since I’m basing my foundation for UQ on FR the RS foundation comes along with it. There will also be major differences between UQ and RS, such as the ability to choose a race, class, different object/item names. The only real major similarity between UQ and RS is the objective skilling and combat skill names. This is done purposely because there aren’t many skills that I can come up with originally that RS hasn’t touched on that will implement gameplay that people will actually enjoy.

UQ is, yes, based on FR and RS respectively. But please do not think that I’m actively copying the code of either. UQ is it’s own game and piece of work entirely, just with similar content between the 3.

I hope you all enjoy your day,

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